What You Need To Know Before Divorce
All people are equal before the law. However, a good attorney makes a significant difference.
What Do You Need To Know Before You And Your Partner Get Divorced In Texas?
If you and your partner are considering ending your marriage, it’s important to consider how your lives will change as you move forward separately. At Sralla Family Law PLLC, we have helped San Antonio-area clients with these challenges since 2006.
Even if you’ve only been married a short time, divorce carries many consequences that can be tricky – although not impossible – to deal with. The more you can prepare yourself emotionally before your separation, the better you’ll be able to deal with your new life as a single adult.
Here’s what you need to know.
Plan Financially For Your Future
First off, make sure you understand how you’ll deal with the financial side of family law divorce. In some cases, you may be able to share a family law attorney with your spouse. This can reduce your out-of-pocket costs when it comes to courtroom and attorney fees.
In other cases, you may need your own family law attorney. This can be costly; however, it is important that you seek the appropriate legal representation that you need to move forward during this time.
Additionally, many adults don’t consider that after divorce, you’ll need to essentially restart your life. You’ll need to buy a new house or rent an apartment, get new furniture, and probably even buy a new trashcan. These expenses can quickly add up, so make sure you’re ready to deal with them and have adequate spousal maintenance.
Think About Conservatorship And Your Children
It’s also important to consider how you’ll handle child custody arrangements. In some cases, you and your partner may agree on how you’ll share family law custody of your children and any pets you may have. In other cases, arranging custody can be a bit trickier.
Remember that you can consult with your family law attorney for more options on how to share custody. If you and your partner plan to live in different cities or states after the divorce, you’ll need to consider a number of family law custody options. For example, will the children spend their summers with you? Will they take holidays with your partner? Where will your pets primarily live?
Additionally, a family law mediation attorney can help you and your partner discuss these arrangements.
Plan How To Announce The Divorce
Finally, make sure that you and your former spouse discuss how you’ll handle telling your friends and family members about the divorce.
Talk with one another about how you’ll handle social arrangements and relationships. Chances are that you share business contacts and friendships, which means it’s important that neither one of you speaks poorly about the other person. Try to stay classy as much as possible during the divorce process. Even when your spouse frustrates you, it’s important that you focus on moving forward and separating your lives, not on retaliation.
In some cases, you and your partner may choose to make a public statement on social media about your separation. In other cases, you may prefer to tell your friends and family members privately. No matter how you handle letting people know, make sure you’re on the same page.
Move Forward With Composure
No matter what caused you and your spouse to decide to end your marriage, make sure that you stay focused during this time. Try to avoid rehashing old arguments or placing blame on one another. Instead, focus on how you can end your marriage swiftly and go your separate ways. This will enable you to move forward and begin living your own life as soon as possible.
Ask Our San Antonio Divorce Attorneys How To Prepare
These are only a few things to know about divorce; at Sralla Family Law PLLC, we can give you the specific information that you need.
Please schedule an initial consultation today by calling (210) 212-5656(210) 212-5656 or by using our online contact form.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does A Divorce Cost In San Antonio?
A divorce case can cost anywhere from $2,000.00 to $10,000.00 and up in San Antonio. This price range typically varies based on the complexity of each particular case, the extent to which the matter is contested, the aggressiveness of the family law attorneys involved, whether a jury trial is requested and many other often unpredictable factors.
Where Do I Go For A Divorce?
If you hire a family law divorce lawyer, your lawyer will file your divorce petition electronically. If you are filing your divorce without the help of a family law attorney, you can do so at the Family Law Staff Attorney’s Office at the Bexar County Courthouse, 100 Dolorosa, San Antonio, Texas 78205.
How Much Does It Cost To File For Divorce In San Antonio?
A divorce without children typically costs around $350.00, while a divorce involving children typically costs about $401.00. These costs vary from county to county.
What Is A Spouse Entitled To In A Divorce In Texas?
Either spouse is entitled to a just and right division (roughly 50%) of the community estate and, in certain extreme cases, a disproportionate share (greater than 50%) of the community estate. This includes all assets acquired during the marriage, but does not include a spouse’s separate property.
How Do I Get A Divorce With No Money?
Getting a divorce with absolutely no money is difficult but not impossible. The party seeking to file for divorce can visit the Family Law Staff Attorney’s Office at the Bexar County Courthouse to obtain a packet of information to assist in preparing and filing the paperwork for starting a divorce case. The filing fee can be waived if the filing party prepares an affidavit of indigency declaring that he or she has no money. Another alternative is to seek free legal aid or the assistance of a pro-bono lawyer.
Chat With Our Lawyers In Person
While our attorneys are open to conducting phone and online consultations, we feel that our warm office environment is the best place to get to know you. We look forward to meeting with you face-to-face to make sure we understand every detail of your unique situation including interpersonal skills. So, call us today for a free 20-minute initial consultation and let’s get started on your family law issue.
To learn more about what our team can do to help you, give us a call at (210) 212-5656(210) 212-5656 or use our online contact form.
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Sralla Family Law PLLC
San Antonio Office
Your Case is Our Lawyers’ Fight
Let Sralla Family Law PLLC guide you through your divorce with the care and dedication you deserve. Contact us today at (210) 212-5656 or send us an email for an initial consultation. Our divorce attorneys in San Antonio will help you turn the page to a new chapter in your life.